We recently went to the School "Sock Hop" that happens once a year. As you can tell Marc and I really don't dress the part but the kids do and love it. Hey what's not to love. Pizza, rootbeer floats, soda, sweets, hoola hooping and music! Not to mention time spent with good friends.
Me and Marc eating pizza and yes there is a little smile there from him.
This is me and my friend Gina. She dressed the part. I just had on bright red lipstick!
Here is Ty with Josh and Chase. These are two of his best buddies. They all had a great time....being boys!
This was at the end of the dance. Josh, Ty and Ally hanging out in the 50's car. Can you tell how much Ty really loves that???
Ok now this has nothing what so ever to do with the dance but I wanted to show you all my new wall. I even got to pick the color....pretty cool huh. This is my wall of black/white pictures. I am presently waiting for one of Brody....do you see his spot on the left there! I love this wall.
Well I just wanted to give those who drop by a quick update. Love to you all. Robin